Goat Rocks Wilderness

Sharon and I, together with our friends Janel, Susan, and Dawn went for a 4 day, 25 mile hike in the Goat Rocks Wilderness. This stretch of the Pacific Crest Trail has to be one of the most beautiful high alpine hikes of the whole trail.

A one way trip from the Berry Patch trailed to White Pass. Required 2 cars and a shuttle back to the starting point.

At the trailhead

At the trailhead

On the first day we hiked to Goat Lake. No goats were in evidence, but plenty of wildflowers which showered us with their beauty for the remainder of the trip.

Indian paintbrush and other flowers

Indian paintbrush and other flowers

The trail approaching Goat Lake

The trail approaching Goat Lake

A sociable marmot near the campsite

A sociable marmot near the campsite

Stunning campsite a thousand feet above the valley and overlooking Mount Adams

Stunning campsite a thousand feet above the valley and overlooking Mount Adams

Sunset in camp, with the valley below.

Sunset in camp, with the valley below.

The next day we headed up to about 7,000 feet for a scramble to the summit of Old Snowy Mountain at 7,400 feet, and then on to Leech lake.

Leaving goat Lake

Leaving goat Lake

High Alpine Meadows on top of the world. That's Mount Adams in the background, and a really hazy Mount Saint Helens.

High Alpine Meadows on top of the world. That's Mount Adams in the background, and a really hazy Mount Saint Helens.



With a bit more elevation, the vegetation starts to disappear and the terrain gets rockier

With a bit more elevation, the vegetation starts to disappear and the terrain gets rockier

The scramble up Old Snowy Mountain. Mount Rainier in the background!

The scramble up Old Snowy Mountain. Mount Rainier in the background!

At the summit, 7400 feet and great weather

At the summit, 7400 feet and great weather

The descent, with a bit of exposure

The descent, with a bit of exposure

Walking along the spine of the earth – the trail extends all along the ridge here for several miles

Walking along the spine of the earth – the trail extends all along the ridge here for several miles

Beautiful little flowers growing where very little else is. And hummingbirds finding them…

Beautiful little flowers growing where very little else is. And hummingbirds finding them…

More wildflowers

More wildflowers

We’ve dropped down a few thousand feet now, vegetation has returned but there is ominous thunder and rain off to the north. And of course more flowers.

We’ve dropped down a few thousand feet now, vegetation has returned but there is ominous thunder and rain off to the north. And of course more flowers.

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Indian paintbrush in front of a a little stream. Felt very Tolkienesque.

Indian paintbrush in front of a a little stream. Felt very Tolkienesque.

Horseshoe Lake, a relaxing spot for a really late lunch

Horseshoe Lake, a relaxing spot for a really late lunch

Disaster! We had heard distant helicopters earlier in the day, but didn't realize they were fighting a fire near our final campsite for the night.

Disaster! We had heard distant helicopters earlier in the day, but didn't realize they were fighting a fire near our final campsite for the night.

With the ambience of the lake a little disturbed by a firefighting helicopter scooping up water every 10 minutes, we decided cut our hike short and head all the way out to the trailhead a day early.

All in all, one of the best high mountain trips I've done in Washington state. Great views, wildflowers, great weather, and great friends.